Ryan Lian Wan Jheun
Doctor of Chiropractic
I’ve always had a strong passion for helping people and I was determined to pursue a career where I can make a positive impact on the daily lives of others. I had always envisioned myself working in the medical field and it was a transformative experience with my first chiropractor in my teenage years that made me want to direct this interest towards a career in Chiropractic. After seeing the remarkable benefits chiropractic achieved for me and my family, I was determined to share these benefits with others. And what better way to accomplish this than by providing an opportunity for other individuals to experience it themselves?
My academic journey led me to the AECC University College, a world-renowned institution, where I graduated with a first-class honours Masters degree in Chiropractic. I was trained extensively in anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, medical imaging and biomechanics. My four years of training has equipped me well with the knowledge and skills to accurately diagnose conditions and provide personalised care to each and every individual.
My own Chiropractic treatment highlighted the significance that optimal function has in my daily life, allowing me to do the things I love and live my best life. To me, Chiropractic goes far beyond treating individual conditions and alleviating symptoms. It seeks to address the root cause of problems by educating you on ways to optimise your function and well-being, allowing you to move better and live better.
Ryan’s patients…
I have helped people of all ages and abilities, from children to the elderly, desk workers to sports enthusiasts and even athletes. I love collaborating with people throughout their care, to guide them towards achieving their goals, improving their quality of life and most importantly, keep them moving better in their daily lives.